commision (Seconadary Education Commision
The Secondary Education
Commission was appointed under the Chairmanship of Dr. A.L. Swami Mudaliar on September
23, 1952 to study the problems of Secondary Education in India and suggest
measures for the reforms of its various aspects, such as aim, curricular,
examination system, teaching method, teachers’ training, building, administration
and control. The Commission considered the defects of Secondary Education and
determined its objectives in the light of the following needs – (i) development
of qualities of character through education, propagation of nationalism and
secularism, (ii) increase in productive capacity so as to bring about an
increase in national wealth, and (iii) improve in education.
The objectives of
Education are as follows: –
Development of democratic citizenship,
Training in the art of living
Development of personality,
Supply of professional skills,
for leadership, and
of love of the country.
The Secondary Education
Commission determined the period of education at 7 years, intended for children
between 11 and 17 years of age. It was divided into two parts – (i) three years
for middle education and (ii) four years of higher secondary education.
Provision was also made for a three-year degree course. The Commission
considered it important that technical schools and other kinds of schools
should be developed. It also provided for co-education. It views that the mother-tongue or the state language
should be used as the medium of instruction and students should be taught at
least two languages at the Junior High School Stage. At the Secondary Stage a
student should learn at least three languages, the national language, the
mother tongue or the regional language and a foreign language. The Commission
had emphasised the necessity of reorganising the Secondary School Curriculum in
order that the aims of education may be realised. In this connection the
commission wants that the curriculum should be reorganised according to the
needs of the students, keeping in view the demands of the time and those of the
country, meeting all the social aspirations. It should also be organised in
such a way that the student’s time and leisure may not be wasted. The
commission also advocated the nationalisation of the textbooks. Textbooks
should be selected on the basis of their merits and utility. For this purpose
the commission has recommended the appointment of a High Power Committee which
will select books for all the classes. The commission also suggested that the
textbook once chosen should not be changed soon. In addition to textbooks each
school should have some such books which may impart general knowledge to
students. The teachers should also be provided with new literature books in
order to keep their interests alive.
has given the following
suggestions –
(i) The post of the
Director of Education should be equivalent to the Joint Secretary of the
Secretariat and he should advise the minister in this capacity.
(ii) The Secondary
Education Board should be organised under the Chairmanship of the Director of
education who should arrange for Secondary Education in his state.
(iii) A board for
teachers’ training should be established.
(iv) Central and State Committees
should be organised for giving advice on Secondary Education.
(v) The District
Inspector of Schools should assist the teachers in performance of their duties
and in solving their problems arising from time to time.
(vi) New schools should
be reorganised only when they fulfil all conditions.
(vii) The State
Government should organise a committee for management and administration of
schools. For finance, the commission has
suggested that the government should be responsible for providing Vocational
and Technical Education and the Centre should give financial aids to State
other allied problems So that a sound and
reasonable uniform system of secondary education suited to our needs and
resources may be provided for the whole country. The commission submitted its
report in June 1953.
The recommendations
regarding educational administration were as follows:
Recommendation # 1. Organisational Pattern of Secondary Education:
1. The commission has observed, “We have to bear in mind the principle
that secondary education is a complete unit by itself and not merely a
preparatory stage, that at the end of this period, the student should be in a
position, if he wishes, to enter on the responsibilities of life and take up
some useful vocations. The age at which the child is to begin his secondary
education and the age up to which it should be continued is therefore, a matter
of considerable importance. It is now generally recognized that the period of
secondary education covers the age-group of about to 17 years. Properly planned
education, covering about 7 years should enable the school to give a thorough
training in the courses of study taken by the student and also help him/her to
attain a reasonable degree of maturity in knowledge, understanding and
judgement which would stand him/her I rood stead in life
(i) A middle or Junior Secondary or Senior
Basic stage which should cover a period of 3 years;
(ii) A Higher Secondary
stage which should cover a period of four years.
2. Abolition of Intermediate
The commission
recommended for abolition of intermediate classes. The senior intermediate
class (XIIth class) should be combined with the degree class and the junior
intermediate class (XIth class) with the high school class.
3. Diversification of
For diversification of
courses, multi-purpose schools should be established as agricultural schools,
technical schools, commercial schools etc., to enable the students to acquire
education according to their interests, aims and diverse abilities.
4. Stress on
Agricultural Education in Rural Schools:Special facilities should be provided
for agricultural education in rural schools. Horticulture and Animal Husbandry
as allied subjects of the agriculture should also be taught.
5. Technical Education:
(i) Technical schools
should be set up in large numbers either separately or as part multi-purpose
school and these schools should be located near industries and should function
in close co-operation with the industry concerned.
(ii) Suitable legislation
should be passed making it compulsory for the industry to provide facilities to
students for particular apprenticeship training.
(iii) Industrial
Education Cess should be levied and the” proceeds of this Cess should utilized
for the development of technical education.
6. Other Type of
(i)Public schools
should continue to exist for sometime say for about five years. During this
time, organization of these public schools should be in consonance with the
general pattern of education.
(ii) A number of
residential schools should be established more particularly in certain rural
areas to provide greater opportunities for teacher–pupil contact and for
development recreational and extra-curricular activities.
(iii) A large number of
schools should be established to meet the needs of handicapped children.
7. Education of Girls:
The commission did not
like having a different type of education for girls. But it recommended for the
study of Home Science in all girls’ schools. State Govt. should make effort to
open girl schools wherever there is demand for them.
8. Study of Languages:
(i) Three languages
should be taught in the schools. The medium of instruction at the secondary
stage should be either the mother tongue or the regional language.
(ii) At the middle
school stage, every student must be taught at least two languages. Hind and
English should be taught after the junior basic stage of education on the
condition that no two languages should be introduced in the same year. At the
high school a higher secondary stage, the student must be taught at least two
languages, one of which being the mother tongue or the regional language.
(iii) Hindi should be
made a compulsory subject of study in the school course due to the following
reasons; Official language of the centre, languages of correspondence, an means
of promoting national unity and integrity.
(iv) English shall be
the compulsory subject of study at the secondary stage in all the state due to
the following reasons: widely known among the educated, means of national
unity, useful in international sphere and harmful effect due to exclusion of
9. The centre should
assume certain amount of direct responsibility for the contemplate
reorganization of secondary education and give financial aid for the purpose.
Recommendation # 2.
Organisation of Secondary School Curriculum:
1. At the Middle-School
stage, the curriculum should include:
(i) Languages,
(ii) Social Studies,
(iii) General Science,
(iv) Mathematics,
(v) Art and Music
(vi) Craft and
(vii) Physical
2. At the High school
Pre Higher Secondary stage diversified courses of instruction should provide to
the students and curriculum would be of two types:
(i) Core curriculum,
which is common for all the students, includes language. General Science,
Social Studies and Craft.
(ii) In addition to the
core curriculum every student has to take three subjects at the higher stage
out of the following seven groups:
1. Humanities
(classical language, History, Geography, Economics and Civics, Psychology and
Logic, Mathematics, Music, Domestic Science),
2. Science (Physics,
Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Mathematics. Physiology and Hygiene not to be
taken with Biology),
3. Technical Applied
Mathematics and Geometrical Drawing, Applied Science, Elements of Mechanical
Engineering, Electrical Engineering),
4. Commercial (Book
Keeping, Commercial Practice, Commercial Geography. Short-hand and
5. Agricultural
(General Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Horticulture and Gardening, Agricultural
Chemistry and Botany),
6. Fine Arts (History
of art, Drawing and Designing, painting, Modeling, Music, Dancing),
7. Home Science (Home
Economics, Nutrition and Cooking, Mother Craft and Child Care, Household
management and Home Nursing).
(iii) Besides the
above, a student may take at his option one additional subject from any of the
above groups.
(iv) The diversified
curriculum should begin in the second year of the High School or Higher
Secondary stage.
Recommendation # 3.
Text Books:
(i) With a view to
improving the quality of text books prescribed, a high power text books
committee should be constituted.
(ii) The committee
should have the following functions : to prepare a panel of expert reviewers,
to appoint expert committees, to invite experts, to co-operate with similar
committee, to arrange for the publication, to maintain a fund, to grant
suitable honoraria to authors and to utilize the balance of funds for different
(iii) The text books
committee should lay down clear criteria for the type of paper, illustration,
printing and format of the books.
(iv) The Central
Government should set up a new institution to develop training in the technique
of book illustration.
(v) The central and
state governments should maintain libraries for improving of book
(vi) Single text book
should not be prescribed for every subject of study. A reasonable number of
books conforming to the standards laid down should be recommended.
(vii) In case of
languages, however, definite books should be prescribed for each class to
ensure proper gradation.
(viii) No book,
prescribed as a text book or as a book for general study, should contain any
passage or statement which might offend the religious or social
susceptibilities of any section of the community or might indoctrinate the
minds of the young students with particular political or religious ideology.
(ix) Frequent changes
of textbooks and books prescribed for study should be discouraged.
Recommendation # 4.
Methods of Teaching:
The commission believed
that even the best curriculum and the most perfect syllabus remains dead unless
quickened into life by the right method of teaching and the right kind of
teacher. The methods should be dynamic and scientific.
The following
recommendations were made:
(i) The methods of
teaching aim at inculcating desirable values and proper attitudes habits of
work in the students besides imparting knowledge.
(ii) The methods of
teaching should help the students for attachment to work.
(iii) The emphasis in
teaching should shift from verbalism and memorization to learn through
purposeful, concrete and realistic situations. For this purpose, the principle
“Activity Method” and “Project Method” should be followed in practice.
(iv) Methods of
learning should enable the children to apply practically the knowledge gained
in the classroom to various problems confronting them.
(v) Methods of teaching
should provide ample opportunities for students to develop clear thinking and
clear expression both in speech and writing.
(vi) Emphasis should be
given on acquiring knowledge through personal efforts and initiative and
training the students in the techniques of study.
(vii) A well thought
out attempt should be made to adopt methods of instruction to the nee of
individual students as much as possible so that dull, average and bright
student’s may all have a chance to progress at their own pace.
(viii)They should be
given adequate opportunity to work in groups and to carry out group projects
and activities to develop the qualities for group life and co-operative work.
(ix)In order to
popularize progressive methods of teaching, ‘Experimental’ and ‘Demonstration’
schools should be opened.
(x) Co-curricular
activities should form an integral part of education.
(xi) Library, class library
and subject library should be utilized for promotion of study habit
Recommendation # 5.
(i) The education of
character should be envisaged as the responsibility of all teachers.
(ii) In order to
promote discipline, personal contract between the teacher and the pupil should
be strengthened, and the pattern of self-government with observance of code o
conduct should be introduced in all schools.
Recommendation # 6.
Moral and Religious Education:
The commission realized
that religious and moral instruction plays an important part in the promotion
of character. Religious instruction in schools may be given only on a voluntary
basic and after the regular school hours. Such instruction should be confined
to the children of the particular faith concerned and be given with the consent
of parents and the management.
Recommendation # 7.
Guidance and Counselling:
(i) Educational
guidance should receive much greater attention on the part of educational
(ii) Guidance service
should be the work of various personnel’s like parents, teachers,
headmasters/headmistress, and principals.
(iii) In order to
broaden the pupil’s understanding of the nature, scope and significance of the
occupation or industries, film should be prepared to show the conditions of
industrial, technical, agricultural or vocational aspects and this should be
supplemented by actual visits.
(iv)The services of
trained guidance officers and career masters should be made available gradually
and in an increasing measure to all educational institutions.
(v)There should be
opening up training centres in different regions for training of guidance
officers and career masters to which each state may send a number of teachers
and other suitable persons for training.
(vi) A Central Research
organisation may be established for carrying out research in educational
guidance and for the preparation of tests with particular reference to Indian
conditions and the needs of pupils.
(vii) In every state
there should be a Bureau of educational and vocational guidance to plan and
co-ordinate various activities which have been recommended as above.
Recommendation # 8.
Supervision and Inspection:
(i) The true role of an
inspector should be to study the problems of school and view them
comprehensively in the context of educational objectives, to formulate
suggestion for improvement and help the teachers to carry out his advice and
(ii) Special Inspectors
should be appointed to inspect the teaching of special subjects like
Domestic Science, Art,
Music etc.,
(iii) In addition to
direct recruitment, inspectors should also be drawn from:
(a) Teacher’s of ten
years experience.
(b) Headmasters of High
Schools, and
(c) Duly qualified
staff of training colleges who may be allowed to work as such for a period of
three to five years.
The duties of
inspectors should be administrative and academic. The former related to the
annual inspection of records, accounts, office routine etc. For this purpose he
must have assistance of a competent staff.
The latter duties are
to choose teachers to visit schools in the company of the inspector and to
spend two or three days with the staff to confirm about library and laboratory
facilities, the curriculum and the organisation of extra-curricular activities.
Recommendation # 9.
Organisation and Administration:
(i) The Director of
Education should be the officer mainly responsible to advise the minister
regarding the spread of education.
(ii) A committee should
be constituted both at the centre and in each state in order to discuss how
best the resources of the department could be pooled for the furtherance of
education of all types.
(iii) There should be
coordinating committee consisting of the departmental heads concerned to
consider methods of improvement and expansion in the fields of education.
(iv) There should be a
Board of Secondary Education consisting of not more than 25 members with the
Director of Education as its chairman. A sub-committee of the Board should deal
with the conduct of examination.
(v) There should be a
Teacher’s Training Board for supervising and training of under-graduates.
(vi) There should be
another Board, namely Central Advisory Board of Education to function as a
coordinating agency to consider all India problems concerning education.
(vii) State or
provincial Advisory Boards should be constituted on similar basis in each state
to advise the Department of Education on all educational matters.
Recommendation # 10.
Health and Physical Education:
(i) A properly
organised medical service should be available in all states.
(ii) A thorough medical
examination of all pupils and necessary follow up and treatment, where
necessary, should be carried out in all schools.
(iii) Some of the
teachers should be trained in the first aid and general principles of health.
(iv) Proper nutritional
standards should be maintained in the hostels and residential schools.
(v) The school should
assist, where possible, in the maintenance of sanitation of the area,
(v) Physical activities
should be made to suit the individual.
(vi) All teachers below
the age of 40 should actively participate in many of the physical activities of
(vii) The training in
physical education should be comprehensive enough to include all aspects of
health education.
(viii) The existing
facilities for training of teachers of physical education should be expanded by
increasing the seats in the existing colleges,
(ix) Full records of
physical activities of students must be maintained.
Recommendation # 11.
Improving the Systems of Examination and Evaluation:
I. The number of
external examinations should be reduced.
II. There should be
minimization of subjectivity by introducing objective tests of attainment and
by changing the type of questions.
III. Cramming should be
discouraged and rational understanding should be encouraged.
IV. It is undesirable
to set two papers of 03 hours duration each on one day and the same day.
V. In order to find out
the pupil’s all round “progress, a proper system of school records should be
maintained for each and every pupil.
VI. In the final
assessment of the pupils due credit should be given to the internal tests and
the school records of the pupils.
VII. The system of
symbolic rather than numerical marking should be adopted for evaluating and
grading the work of the pupils in external and internal examinations and in
maintaining the school records. A five point scale may be used: A (excellent),
B (good), C (fair and average), D (Poor), E (very Poor).
VIII. There should be
only one public examination at the completion of secondary school course.
IX. The system of
compartmental examination should be introduced at the final public examination.
X. A candidate who has
passed the examination and wishes to qualify in any additional subject(s) may
appear at a subsequent examination.
XI. The certificate
awarded should contain the results of the school tests in subjects as well as
the gist’s of the school records besides the results of the public examination
in different subjects.
Recommendation # 12.
Teacher Education:
1. There should be only
two types of institutions for teacher training.
(i) For those who have
taken the school Leaving Certificate or Higher Secondary School Leaving
Certificate, for whom the period of training should be of two years; and
(ii) For graduates for
whom the training may, for the present, be of one academic year, but extended
as a long-term programme to two academic years.
2. Graduate teacher
training institutions should be recognized by and affiliated to the
universities which should grant degrees, while the secondary grade training
institutions should be under the control of a separate Board appointed for the
3. The teacher trainee
should receive training in one or more co-curricular activities.
4. Importance should be
attached to teaching practice in schools.
5. During the period of
training all the pupil-teachers should be given suitable stipend by the state.
6. The training
colleges should, as a normal part of their work, assist to the in-service
teacher training by providing the following:
(i) Refresher courses,
(ii) Short intensive
courses in special subjects,
(iii) Work-shop,
(iv) Seminars and
(v) professional
7. Training
institutions should be in close with the Department of Education and the
8. For research work in
all aspects of Pedagogy, every training college should have under its control
an experimental or demonstration school.
9. Recruitment to
training colleges should be carefully made so as to admit only those who hold
the highest promise of becoming successful teachers.
10. The selection of
students for teacher training may be made some months in advance of the opening
of the course. The period of training may be increased to a minimum of 180 days
by eliminating the number of unnecessary holidays.
11. The commission
strongly advocates residential type of training colleges for all students. All
these colleges should provide adequate residential facilities to cultivate
community life and foster self-reliance.
12. In order to meet
the shortage of women teachers, special part-time training courses should be
13. The normal period
of probation for a trained teacher should be one year.
14. Teachers possessing
same qualifications and performing same work should be treated alike as far as
salary is concerned.
15. The system of
triple benefit scheme, i.e. Pension- Cum-Provident Fund-Cum-insurance scheme
should be introduced in all States.
16. Arbitration Boards
of committees should be set up to look into the appeals of teachers.
17. The superannuation
age should he 60 for physically fit and competent teachers with the approval of
the Director of Education.
18. The children of
teacher should be given free education throughout the school stage.
19. Through a system of
co-operative house building societies, teachers should b>e provided with
quarters so as to enable them to live near the school.
20. The practice of
private tuition by teachers should be abolished.
Recommendation # 13.
Management of Schools:
(i) The managing Boards
of all schools should be registered and should consist of a limited number of
persons with headmaster as an ex-officio member.
(ii) No member of the
Board should directly or indirectly interfere with the internal administration
of the school.
Recommendation # 14.
School Building and Equipment:
(i) The open spaces
available in cities must be conserved and be utilized as playground by groups
of schools.
(ii) Normally, in
designing buildings for schools, care should be taken to see that an area of
not less than 10 sq. ft. is provided per student in the class room.
(iii) The optimum
number of boys to be admitted to any class should be 30 and the maximum should
not in any case exceed 40; the optimum number in the whole school should be 500
while the maximum should not exceed 750.
Recommendation # 15.
Hours of Working and Vacation:
1. As a rule the total
number of working days in a school should not be less than 200, the working
hours per week should be at least 35 periods about 45 minutes each; the schools
should work regularly for 6 days in the week. One of the days being a half day
when the teachers and students might meet informally and work together on
various extra-curricular and social projects.
2. Normally during the
year there should be a summer vocation of 2 months and breaks of 10 to 15 days
at suitable periods during the year. Report of Secondary Education Commission
is truly called as “Bible for teachers” an is a landmark in the development of
education in India.
In-spite of its various
drawbacks, commission has paved the golden way to improve the system of
secondary education and major of the recommendations have been incorporated in
to the present educational system.
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